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by Mike Hoffman, Children’s World Impact
Progress has been made in Uganda, a partnership between the SDB Missionary Society and Children's World Impact.
The chicken farm will allow a number of locals and widows to be self-supporting.
Construction of the chicken houses should be completed around the...
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In this issue:
Camp Wakonda: This Year’s Model
Keeping Camp Wakonda in Our Prayers
Stewardship is About Your Heart
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We need this property as a pasture for boys and girls.”
Pastor Elmo Fitz Randolph, 1950
When Pastor Randy approached Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wegner in the spring of 1950 with hopes to purchase their property on Klug road for the purpose of creating a camp, Mr....
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How blessed we are to have Camp Wakonda! A beautiful, peaceful place that serves our families, our church and our community year-round. As the summer camping season approaches, it’s a perfect time to focus our prayers on Camp Wakonda.
How beautifully your creation is revealed at...
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Jesus teaches us that wecannot serve two masters (Matthew 6:24). Giving should be inextricably tied to our spiritual lives, not something that is apart from it.
One biblical indication of the spirit of giving is the story of the widow’s offering (Mark 12:41 - 44),...
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In this issue:
He Isn’t Here
Jesus Invites Us to Pray!
The Feeding Spoon
Your Potential to Change the World
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When they entered the tomb, they saw a young man clothed in a white robe sitting on the right side. The women were shocked, but the angel said, “Don’t be alarmed. You are looking for Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified. He isn’t here! He is...
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Jesus invites us to pray!
Think how excited we get when we receive an invitation to a party or a wedding or the Fireside Dinner
Theater. What if we got an invitation to meet a superstar – Jordan Love or Taylor Swift? We’d be incredibly enthusiastic! We’d...
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On Heritage Sabbath in October 2023, we were blessed with visiting SDB Pastors from Africa, Pastors Quistin Chalwe from Zambia and Kingsley Gauti from Malawi. They encouraged us and expressed the need for the gospel to spread in Africa, but they also shared a physical...
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The Bible gives us a much more robust explanation of the duties of a church steward beyond just giving. One of the best-known examples juxtaposing good and bad stewardship is the parable of the talents (Matthew 25:14-28). Here, a man entrusts different amounts of money...