Camp Wakonda Spotlight 2023
30 Mar 2023, by Newsletter in“What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love him.” (1 Corinthians 2:9)
It’s that time of the year again when we start to gear up for summer ministry at Camp Wakonda. The camp board and staff have been planning for a great summer, but even more exciting to me is that God has been planning great things for this summer at camp! He has been preparing something so fabulous that we can’t even imagine just how awesome it will be.
But here’s the kicker: anyone who doesn’t come to camp won’t be able to experience God’s great plans. So let’s get the word out! Let’s pray kids in. Let’s help them get here. Let’s drag them if we need to! (Just kidding…kinda)
This year we will once again have two overnight camps, Intermediate for grades 4-6 and Collision for grades 7-12, and Camp Discover afternoons for grades K-3. Information is available on the church webpage and at the Welcome Center. Staff applications for all camps are also available. We are especially in need of female staff for Collision, so be in prayer with us for that.
Here’s the big news:
Our SDB Conference has generously given us an approximately $31,000 grant for camp which we will be using to get a stove upgrade and comply with current fire codes. If you have a chance to thank any of our Conference people, please do so! This is fantastic!!
Finally, check out the prayer requests for camp and start praying! God has great things planned for this summer, and we get to be part of it. Praise His Name!