Camp Wakonda Prayer 2023
30 Mar 2023, by Newsletter in- LORD, thank you for Camp Wakonda!
- Thank you for all the lives impacted
- Thank you for always providing resources
- Keep Wakonda a peaceful, welcoming place
- Let all the administrative tasks run smoothly
- Fill the season with faith, fun & friendship
- Keep everyone safe physically & spiritually
- Provide staff & guide them
- Give them health, rest, focus & patience
- Draw young people to camp
- Give us direction & boldness to invite campers– especially from unchurched families
- Open campers’ hearts to your gospel
- Let there be healing, growth & salvation
- Make worship times sweet & powerful
- Help campers remember all they’ve learned
- Continue Godly relationships after camp
- May this camp season give you glory
TAGS: Newsletter 2023 04