Awana Awards Night
30 May 2023, by Newsletter inThe Awana club year officially ended on Wednesday, May 3 with a sanctuary FULL of clubbers and their families at our annual Awana Awards Night. We offered praise to God for all that He has done in the lives of these children this year. Psalm 40:16 says, “But may all who seek you rejoice and be glad in you; may those who love your salvation say continually, ‘Great is the Lord!’”
Our hearts were full of rejoicing, and we are so glad in all the works of our Great God through the Awana ministry this year. We trust him completely to grow all the seeds that were planted in the hearts of more than 60 kids this year.

We also celebrated our clubbers’ hard work with awards. 43 book awards were presented. This includes 2 Sparky awards to 2nd graders Theo Lubke and Graycin Dummer for completing all 3 Sparks handbooks.

Our highest award, the Timothy Award, was presented to 6th graders Isaac Harris, Isaac Kersten, and Sophia Kersten. These clubbers completed all 4 T&T handbooks which require a significant amount of work outside of club to memorize scripture and show that they understand what those verses mean.

We also honored 7 T&T students for completing all weekly extra credit bible studies on their own with the Silver Award. Those clubbers were Alexander Lang, Andre Lang, Ava Williams, Helena Pennycook, Isaac Kersten, John Harris, and William Holbrook.
This evening was also bittersweet for some. We graduated an amazing NINE 6th graders from our Awana ministry. Some of these clubbers have been with us on Wednesday nights since they were 3 years old and most of the others since they were in Sparks.
They have stayed with Awana as long as they could and have been strong leaders to the other clubbers. We sent them off with knowledge and faith that God has big plans for these kids; plans for good, of hope, and a future with Him.

Please join us in praying for Andre, Arya, Callie, Colter, Isaac H., Isaac K., Mason, Sophia, and Truman. We pray they continue to walk with Jesus and seek his love and ways for their lives.
And we are thankful for all our Awana staff who have given up many, many hours to be at the church on Wednesday nights meeting with these children. They are such faithful servants who are sharing the Light of the World in our community on a weekly basis. Without their commitment and sacrifice, this Awana ministry would not be possible.
When you see these people, please thank them for their service: Marcy Kersten, Teresa Kersten, Brittany Kersten, Pastor Liz Green, Joel Osborn, Michelle Crandall, Jill Groelle, Kathy Crandall, Brandon Crandall, Eric Camenga, Deirdre Camenga, Kathleen Holbrook, Jocelyn Dutcher, Connie Fisher, Michael Hoffman, Melissa Lade, Jeremy Lade, Tara Rotzoll, Rich Gallegos, Ryan Holbrook, Jen Dutcher, Ernie Fisher, Sarah Uhlich, Rick Mullen and Dale Green.
We are already looking forward to Awana 2023-24! We appreciate your prayers this summer for God to give us clear direction in planning, for a full slate of passionate volunteers, and for many, many children to come to hear about Jesus. God has always been faithful in this ministry we have here in Milton and we know he will do it again. See you in September.