Awana 2022 Awards Night
31 May 2022, by Newsletter inWe were very excited to see the sanctuary filled on Wed., May 4th with clubbers, their families, and our Awana staff. These people gathered to celebrate all God has done in the lives of over 60 Awana clubbers this year and to present certificates and book awards to the clubbers for their hard work!
We presented 5 Cubbie Book Awards, 15 Sparks Book Awards, and 12 T&T Book Awards. Among those award winners were 2 Sparky Award winners: Rylee Rotzoll and Zoey Kersten. They have each completed all 3 Sparks handbooks and will be starting T&T next year.
We also presented Timothy Awards to 2 of our 6th graders who have worked hard to memorize 137 verses over 4 years to complete all 4 T&T handbooks. These 6th graders had to do some work outside of club to memorize God’s word and demonstrate understanding of those verses. If you see Mackynzie Rotzoll or Calvin Lubke, please congratulate them on this hard work. We know that memorizing and studying God’s Word is a lifelong disciple skill and these two are working hard to develop those skills at a young age. We are thankful to God for working in their hearts to draw them closer to him.
Save the Date: Awana 2022-23 begins on Wed., Sept. 14, with our registration night one week before – Wed., Sept. 7. We know that we will need some new adults to join the Awana Ministry Team. We are asking God to provide adults who are passionate about sharing the Gospel to eager children each week. Perhaps God is calling YOU! You could join us in prayer this summer for enough adults to meet the needs of our club. You could ask Him if His plan includes YOU! Please talk to Angie Mullen if you have any questions or want to know more about what your role in the Awana ministry might be this fall.