Advent is a Stewardship of Christmas
23 Nov 2024, by Newsletter inBut according to his promise we are waiting for new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells. Therefore, beloved, since you are waiting for these, be diligent to be found by him without spot or blemish, and at peace. (2 Peter 3:13–14 ESV)
With war and other discouraging things going on around the globe, 2024 might be ending on a low note for you.
This means it’s a good reason to embrace Advent this year. Lost amid the nonstop commercialism of Christmas, Advent is the church’s traditional season of careful preparation and waiting – two things our instant, “have-it-now” culture abhors.
If we don’t prepare our hearts and minds for the miracle of Jesus – Emmanuel, God with us – how will Christmas be anything more than just another secular shopping season? How can we expect the arrival of Christ to give us strength, courage, insight and wisdom to deal with these troubled times?
Embracing Advent helps us to be good stewards of the Christmas season by reminding us that it’s not about gifts or shopping or parties, but by the miracle of God arriving in human form to save us from ourselves.
Here are some ways to embrace Advent:
- Find – and follow – an Advent devotional.
- Increase your disciplines of prayer, scripture reading, and worship.
- As much as possible, hold off celebrating Christmas until December.
- Remember we need Christ so that we may live fully as God intended.
Advent prepares us to receive Jesus with a full and joyful heart, to live in the abundance Jesus promises.
In your abundance this year, please don’t forget your gifts to our church and its ministries (AWANA, Collision, Camp Wakonda, missions locally and globally) as well as the stewardship of our material assets (building, camp, staff, etc.). Your gifts will help share the gospel with many new people throughout 2025.
God bless you and your loved ones this holiday season!