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A Sense of Generosity
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A Sense of Generosity

13 Jul 2024, by John Pethtel in Newsletter

A congregation that is generous with their time, talents, and treasure does not have to worry about the ebbs and flows of seasons of life or challenges that may arise occasionally. When many people are contributing, the congregation as a whole does not suffer when something challenging is happening with a few. Developing a culture of stewardship throughout the whole congregation helps protect the ministry by helping those who need their time, talents, and treasure to go to their personal lives for a while. 

While large contributions by a few members can do a lot of good and go a long way towards achieving your goals, a congregation full of “givers” is not reliant on the contributions of a few and will not be susceptible to fluctuations. Members building their generosity with all that they can throughout the years will yield successful stewardship not just now but down the road.

Let’s challenge ourselves to take our next step in continuous stewardship. Whether in setting a recurring monetary gift to the church or volunteering for something on a regular basis or investing regularly in the lives of those in your congregation or community, let’s think continuously about stewarding all that God has given us with a sense of generosity. 

Your time, talents, and treasures are appreciated in our congregation. If you want to have a conversation about your next step in generosity, please feel free to contact one of the pastors for a conversation.